No More M

1Have you recently made the decision to stop using marijuana? If so, then you might not know where to turn for help. You can start by getting information from No More M about marijuana addiction and the detox process. Arm yourself with knowledge to get through this process.

Ask for Support

Making the decision to stop using marijuana is not an easy one, and you may be tempted to use it again because you are addicted to it. Therefore, don’t try to do it all by yourself. Instead, ask a trusted friend or family member for extra support throughout the process. When you feel like you might try to use marijuana again, you can call your support person to help you make the right decision. When you are feeling down and like you just can’t beat the addiction, your support person can help you build up your confidence to get through the low moments.

The Detox Process

You also need to prepare yourself for the detox process, which isn’t always easy. For example, you might find it hard, if not, difficult to sleep. You may not feel hungry or want to eat at all. Also, you may become irritable, which can affect your ability to be around other people or even go to work. During this transitional time, you might want to find another hobby or recreational activity to get involved in to keep your mind off of using marijuana. For example, you can take up running or knitting.

You can quit using marijuana. However, if you have trouble, be sure to seek professional help for your addictions. There is no shame in asking for help.

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